AP Neta in Mining Trouble

KVP named in US Probe
Sudhakar reported not only on local and national scams but also on crimes committed on international terrain by close-knit political factions that were elected to government. In 2014, Dr KVP Ramachandra, a senior politician and close aide to late AP CM YS Rajasekhar Reddy, was named along with Ukranian industrialist and four others for an $18 million scheme to bribe Indian officials and secure $500 million titanium mining project in AP.
Sudhakar wrote about the number of people of different nationalities accused in the scam through the trail of documents that connected all of them. He wrote about the back and forth between the FBI and the state government here. At a point, KVP faced extradition to the US to be tried at a Chicago court. The FBI had also asked the State CID to arrest KVP. Sudhakar also reported about the CBI’s interrogation of KVP stating in detail in minute aspects of the procedure.