Police Housing in Deplorable State

Barracks in Old City Infested with Vermin
Among the many exclusives written by Sudhakar at Times of India is the one about peacekeepers of the Old City, who are always on a 24-hr vigil to maintain law and order, live in deplorable conditions in their barracks in Moghalpura and other nearby sensitive areas.
Ten days after the issues were brought to the notice of the administration through the expose, the officials living in one of the dilapidated barracks were moved to a GHMC sports complex in the area. The officials assured that more officials would be given better accommodation soon.
Sudhakar wrote about how peeling plasters, smelly toilets, rats and pigs are common in most of the barracks which house the members of the Telangana State Special Police (TSSP). A series of pictures of the places published along with the article painted a depressing picture of the living conditions offered to the people whose job is to protect others.
The ruined structures made way for danger to its residents most of the time. Sudhakar wrote about the two policemen injured when a chunk of plaster from the ceiling fell on them when they were sleeping. Most of the rooms in the compound were susceptible to water and sewage flooding and intrusion by rats and pigs. Police personnel living there told Sudhakar that even basic amenities such as clean drinking water and a proper lighting system are also missing.